Sunday, July 29, 2007

Section + 3D Model on Sketchup

"Anatomical - Nurture"

Material Selection
Anatomical: Fleshy Intestine-like material (Rubber)
Nurture: Soft and soothing to the skin material (Grass)

Monday, July 23, 2007

EXPERIMENT ONE – Week 1 Clients

Leonardo daVinci (1452-1519)
Project: Views of a Foetus in the Womb, ca. 1510 - 1512
Noun: Life
Verb: Discover
Adjective: Anatomical

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968)
Project: Bicycle Wheel, 1913 (Painted wooden stool and bicycle wheel)
Noun: Machine
Verb: Create
Adjective: Controversial

Patricia Piccinini
Project: The Young family, 2002
Noun: Nurture
Verb: Explore
Adjective: Disturbing

Sharon Lo (Own design work)
Project: Art Gallery
Noun: Space
Verb: Investigate
Adjective: Dynamic