Top left - View facing Coogee Oval
Top right - Close-up of services block & stairs
Bottom left - Street view
Bottom right - Looking from the north (large swinging open doors)
Ideas & Concepts:
* Heritage Building Map - shows the number of heritage buildings around the site. I wanted to explore the different materialities and emphasise and imitate the brickwork that is found on the Grand Stand.
* A Community Centre that:
- Draws people together, nurturing, developing environment that is welcoming to all ages
- Creates community (through a coherent design through materiality - brick, timber) The emphasis will be on the 2 shells.
1) BRICK: Services block that is heavy and grounded pushing the concept of 'insertion'
2) TIMBER: Gym halls to elevate and 'float' as is about to soar and take flight. It will open to the park (north) with giant swinging doors.
Ideas & Concepts:
* Heritage Building Map - shows the number of heritage buildings around the site. I wanted to explore the different materialities and emphasise and imitate the brickwork that is found on the Grand Stand.
* A Community Centre that:
- Draws people together, nurturing, developing environment that is welcoming to all ages
- Creates community (through a coherent design through materiality - brick, timber) The emphasis will be on the 2 shells.
1) BRICK: Services block that is heavy and grounded pushing the concept of 'insertion'
2) TIMBER: Gym halls to elevate and 'float' as is about to soar and take flight. It will open to the park (north) with giant swinging doors.