Monday, November 3, 2008

Final Design Submission

Concepts - Coogee Beach Community Centre

Heritage Building Insertion Map

Precedents - Church of the Sacred Heart & Aurora Place

Site Plan

1:200 Plans (Lower Ground with site plan, Ground, First Floor)

1:200 Elevations (East & West)

1:200 Sections & Perspectives

Coogee Beach Community Centre in Site Model

Various close-ups

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Submission 3 - Plans, Sections, Elevations and Model (All 1:200)

Plans - Lower Ground (with site plan),
Ground, First Floor.

Sections and Elevations

Top left - View facing Coogee Oval
Top right - Close-up of services block & stairs
Bottom left - Street view
Bottom right - Looking from the north (large swinging open doors)

Ideas & Concepts:

* Heritage Building Map - shows the number of heritage buildings around the site. I wanted to explore the different materialities and emphasise and imitate the brickwork that is found on the Grand Stand.

* A Community Centre that:
- Draws people together, nurturing, developing environment that is welcoming to all ages
- Creates community (through a coherent design through materiality - brick, timber) The emphasis will be on the 2 shells.
1) BRICK: Services block that is heavy and grounded pushing the concept of 'insertion'
2) TIMBER: Gym halls to elevate and 'float' as is about to soar and take flight. It will open to the park (north) with giant swinging doors.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

1:200 Sections

1:20 Section (3rd attempt)

This 1:20 section shows again the threshold between the large gym hall and the outdoor seating (cafe) area and tiered seating for the sporting game (oval).

Different to the previous attempt at the 1:20, I have changed my design to accomodate seating underneath the gym hall, so that now both gym halls are almost suspended above ground, almost floating, and lifting off the ground. This bird-like image pushes forward the idea of insertion - where my services block is the 'glue' and support to the ground for my transparent and open gym halls.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Recent plan

The most recent plan showing program, hoping to express a more organic and fluid, free-form with the gym halls, while at the same time retaining the very solid, blocky form of the services section (middle area which joins the 2 gym halls).

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Simple sections showing space;
Diagrams showing circulation and areas of importance in terms of interaction between people and the interior/exterior environment

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Initial planning stage

Initial plan for the community centre.
I wanted verge towards a more dynamic plan, one which 'reaches' out towards the oval and the adjacent park.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1:20 Section (Attempt 1)

A 1:20 section of the community centre showing the THRESHOLD of an edge between the large multi-purpose hall and outdoor cafeteria area which faces the Coogee Oval.
Steps down on the right is the tiered seating area for spectators.

Different plan options

Red shaded rectangle = grand stand
Shows the possible plans of the community centre in relation to the grand stand

Monday, August 18, 2008

ARCH1202 Plans & Concept Model (Ideas)

Concept plans: Program

Concept model - Opaque objects represent solidity, Perspex cube represents transparency, Semi-transparent objects represent a combination of the two.

* Open/closed concept
I am looking very much into solid/massing and transparent structures as the form and structure of my community centre. This idea is derived from wanting the centre to be open to all, welcoming and having a sense of place; an identity where people can gather (transparency).

Yet at the same time, the solid/massing portrays a sense of substance, and presence. It is to be like an anchor where the community can rely upon for health, rejuvenation and encouragement from others in their own community. This would be similar to a resting place, bringing about a sense of comfort and safety.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

ARCH1202 Architecture & Landscape (Coogee Community Centre) Mapping

Road map + Contours // Reciprocity

Heritage buildings/areas + Building (Inset/Flat/Balcony) Map // Materiality Insertion

Religion/Belief & Church Location Map // Insertion

Transportation map // Infrastructure

Tree Species + Landscape Section Diagram // Threshold Materiality

Visitor travel-tracking map // Insertion Infrastructure

Building levels + Shadow diagram (10:00 - 11:00am 15.08.08) //

3D Conceptual model of the site analysis of the 5 words

Site model (1:200)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Project 3 - Model Newtown Art Gallery/ Apartment

In this last and final project, the brief was to design an Art Gallery/ Apartment bounded by shops on either side along the streetscape of the busy King Street in Newtown. This gallery was to draw the attention of passersby (hopefully for the purchase of artworks) while also keeping the facade in a way which would not disrupt the normal flow of the street facade.

I have chosen to create 4 distinct spaces in the gallery

- Large open space
At the entrance of the gallery (to display large and medium sculptures as well as medium to large sized artworks)
- Semi-closed space
Incoporates the use of both natural light and controlled lighting sitting just behind the large open space
- Balcony
Artworks are hung on either sides of the wall (the largest works are hung on the opposite side of the blacony so that viewers may look across the void and at these artworks. There is also the possbility of projecting videos and slideshows on this large white wall)
- Courtyard
A sculpture garden, tiled and will have shelves where vases and other sculptures may be placed. This courtyard is separated from the street by 3 large windows, where people on the street may look at these works illuminated by the sun.

Top left: The 3 levels in section
Bottom left: The 3 levels when joined (The idea was to create a very open gallery, one that unites and interacts with all 4 spaces)
Right: Rear end of the gallery (semi-closed space, dog-leg stairs which take up less space, balcony and the top floor apartment which looks over the gallery)

Left & Right Sections

Right: Close-up of the dog-leg stairs (connected by main centre wall)

Left: Showing the wall that separates the outdoor courtyard from the rest of the gallery. Glass panelling allows transparency and a sense of unity within the whole
Right: The lounge of the apartment gives a view of the gallery and courtyard opposite

Top Left: The large white wall which faces the balcony for larger works and multimedia works
Bottom Left: The slanted glazing allows light to penetrate through and scatters as it hits the sloped roof inside
Right: How the gallery fits into the streetscape; The 3 large windows show the courtyard inside

Left: Final sectional model
Right: Gallery in the centre, and surrounding buildings


Site Plan & Elevation


Room Plan + Elevation, Perspective Vignettes, Site Elevation

Friday, June 13, 2008


These are some the artists and examples of the types of works that will be exhibited in my art gallery (intricate/geometric/delicate as well as shocking/fascinating/exciting):

- Kwang Young Chun

- Patricia Piccinini
- Vicki Grace

- Katharina Fritsch

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Project 3 - Early drawings and sketches


Early Plans & Possibilities of the arrangement of spaces

Final Plans